FYI, Great Products, Parasites

Well, I have never seen ticks on my dog…

We all know that tick diseases are not only potentially deadly, but are extremely common in Oklahoma. Everybody has gone outside on the Fourth of July and come back with ticks. And “seed ticks” (which are really just juvenile ticks) count! But, how often do you really, actually look for them? They can be as small as a poppy seed!

If you walk outside in any form of grass, ticks are just waiting to hop on. GROSS! But we very commonly hear that owners do not give flea and tick prevention because they have never seen ticks on their pets. Which is a valid point. But not all ticks are those huge, engorged, quarter-sized ticks. If you see those you are in big trouble! We are also concerned with the typical-sized tick. The one before it is fed. How small are those? The CDC posted a picture answering that exact question!

So let me ask you now, have you ever really, actually looked for ticks on your pet? Because they are reeeeallly small. Roughly the size of a poppy seed. And have you looked between the toes? In the mouth? Under the tail? Probably not. How do we fix it? Tick prevention to the rescue! Our favorite for of tick prevention is Simparica Trio! It prevents ticks, fleas, AND heartworms, all in one pill! Call us or send us a message to find out more!

Questions? Want to learn more about tick prevention? Give us a call at (918)865-4733 or send us a message!